Enhancing systemic change in sunflower subsector for sustained actors income
Project Goal
Capacity building to farmer groups and associations on management skills, farming as a business, marketing and financial skills. Linkage to output markets, input suppliers (Hybrid sunflower seeds), financial services and GAP (through FFS and ICT) to 10,000 sunflower producers and processors groups, in post-harvest management technologies and skills for value addition initiatives
Project Objectives
To facilitate pro-poor contractual arrangements structured, negotiated across farmers, small-scale processors and large processors/buyers.
To enhance capacity of service providers to provide bundled services targeted to 30,000 beneficiaries.
To enhance demand for bundled services by farmers and small-scale processors.
To enhance Governance and Management of farmers and processor associations; farmer enterprises registered to do farming as a business and participate in lobbying and advocacy issues hindering performance of sunflower sub-sector in the regional.
Project Achievements
- 12,000 SHF’s were reached.
- 48 Contract with total Volume of 3,690KG signed by 21 Processors
- Farmers’ knowledge on sunflower post-harvest handling increased from 42.23% to 88.82%.
- Sunflower seed loan of 745KG worth Tsh.26,075,000/= offered to 347 SHF’s
- 826 SHF’s registered with Mawenzi Insurance Company for purchase of crop insurance