Marketing Infrastructure, Value Addition and Rural Finance Support Program(MIVARF)
Project Goal
To strengthen 1,400 members of producer groups, processors and marketing associations comprising of 30 - 40 members into viable economic groups equipped with skills and technologies required for sustainable and profitable access to inputs and outputs markets.
Project Objectives
To strengthen the organizational and technical capacities of existing/newly established producer groups and processors groups
To equip the producers/processors groups and marketing groups with necessary post-harvest management technologies and skills for undertaking value addition initiatives.
To improve producers, processors and marketing groups access to market information.
To facilitate forward and backward market linkages.
To promote the participation of producers and marketing groups in Warehouse Receipt System (WRS).
To enhance access of producers, processors and marketing groups to financial services.
Project Achievements
- Smallholder producer groups, processors, marketing associations, and grassroots microfinance institutions.